Statement of Ideals
Whereas, in a world of rapidly changing technology and global competitive higher education is an absolute national investment in our collective future, and; Whereas, CASFAA believes that every effort must be made to provide students access to the educational opportunities best suited to individual needs, and; Whereas, CASFAA has a continuing commitment to ensuring that all students be provided an opportunity to pursue a quality postsecondary education, and; Whereas, CASFAA believes that student financial aid programs enable deserving students to realize educational goals and to become productive members of society; Therefore Be It Resolved, that the 1989 CASFAA Executive Council establishes this Student Financial Aid Statement of Ideals:
- Educational funding at all levels, must be a national priority of equal importance to the defense of our freedom.
- All students who can benefit, have a right to a quality academic or career related postsecondary education regardless of their financial circumstances.
- All students, regardless of choice of eligible school, must have the opportunity to apply for all types of student aid (scholarships, grants, employment, and loans) in order that they may minimize financial barriers to the achievement of their educational goals.
- The financial aid application process must seek to encourage, not intimidate, needy students from participation.
- The need analysis system should be simplified to the extent that students can clearly understand how need is determined. However, the system must be able to differentiate among applicants in order that limited resources may be equitably directed.
- To the extent possible, employment opportunities for students should attempt to complement the student's classroom or career interests and goals.
- Additional "in-school" services related to retention, remedial and/or developmental education and financial aid must be provided to those students whose needs require additional support.
- In today's diverse society, students must be exposed to positive role models both in the classroom and in professional and administrative areas.
(Adopted by the 1989 CASFAA Executive Council, on the 10th day of December, 1989 at San Francisco, California.)
Statement of Good Practices
The Financial Aid Administrator...
- Shall at all times uphold the high ethical standards expected of those committed to this profession by encouraging honesty and accuracy and by serving as a positive role model to all.
- Shall make every effort to promote and develop effective programs of student financial aid at all levels and to promote awareness of its national priority.
- Shall make every effort to provide students access to the educational opportunity of his/her choice by meeting his/her demonstrated financial need, to the extent funding is available.
- Shall inform the student of all conditions under which an award is granted at the time the offer is made stressing the student's responsibilities in accepting the award.
- Shall counsel the student who accepts a loan as to the seriousness of this obligation as well as all elements required by law.
- Shall respect the confidentiality of all aspects of student records and shall ensure that all policies and procedures protect the student's right to privacy.
- Shall make effort to ensure additional student services related to retention, remedial and/or developmental education are provided to students who need additional support.
- Shall exercise adequate controls to make every effort to ensure compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations for the benefit of the student.
- Shall oppose the use of aid administrators to accomplish disciplinary objectives.
(Adopted by the 1993 CASFAA Executive Council. Taken from the NASFAA Statement of Good Practices.)