Lifetime Members
John Anderson |
CSU San Bernardino |
Dewayne Barnes |
Workday |
Linda Bisesi |
UC Hastings |
Joanne Brennan |
Fremont College |
Kathleen Clough |
Wyotech |
Nancy Coolidge |
UC office of the President |
Judie Crummel |
Addalou Davis |
McGeorge School of Law |
Georgette DeVeres |
Claremont McKenna College |
Bryan Dickason |
CCC Chancellors Office |
Sylvia Diegnau |
Toni DuBois |
Fullerton College |
Cheryl Foster-Hunt |
USAFunds |
Sunshine Garcia |
CSU Channel Islands |
Maureen Goldberg |
Santa Barbara City College |
Michael Halloran |
Charlene Ho |
Coastline Community College |
Robert Huff |
Stanford University |
Pat Hurley |
Glendale College |
Marilyn Jaeger |
Joaquin Jimenez |
Ursula Kaiser |
Stanford University |
Nancy Kull |
Ron Lee |
USAFunds |
David Levy |
Wayne Mahoney |
Southwestern Law School |
Maureen McRae Goldberg |
Santa Barbara City College |
Gene Miller |
Thalassa Naylor |
Sallie Mae |
Esperanza Nee |
Sun Ow |
Bank Mobile |
Donna Palmer-Wilson |
Tonya Parker-Jones |
Alliance for Student Aid Processing |
Latanya Payne |
San Juaquin Delta College |
Paul Phillips |
Yelena Rud |
Sacramento City College |
Diane Ryan |
Donald Ryan |
Jim Sanderson |
Becky Stiling |
George Tenopir |
Kim Thomas |
Social Finance, Inc. |
Joseph Watson |
Lissa Wayne |
New York Film Academy |
Alfonso Wilson |